New Renaissance man
Well, here it is. My Hubby's new outfit. I absolutley love this one on him. He picked out the colors. The design is purely my own. It has a very definite spanish type doublet with a fitted waist and puffy short sleeves. Main fabric is the darkest black velour I ahve ever seen. It was some sort of uphoulstry fabric. The slashes and pinking did not need any treatment. Fabric in the slashes is a metal and silk fabric over the wine colored satin. This type of metalic fabric is what I think could have been the same as cloth of gold. The woof is metal and the warp is 100% silk. It makes a very rich but delicate fabric. The lower sleeves are wine satin with bands of the slop fabric kept in place by the pearl and gold beads.
On the back you can see the slashes have a large pearl at the top. The slashes are edged in gold and silver cord as well as the bottom of the upper sleeves. It has a high straight collar to hold up the lace. When I attacked Hubby with a ruff he said "I'll wear anything but THAT!" So with a little more looking I found a few examples of a lace type collar. One even had the beads hanging like you can see in the photo below.
These are the pansied slops made from a wine and black herringbone material and black satin lining. The underlining was 100% cotton for his comfort. The codpiece is tied on to rings with ribbons.
Here is his Magisty in all his glory. I still have a thing for men in tights! We really need to get a nice pair of high boots for him though.